Gallery II: Babylon

Devided in two sections this gallery represents power and mystery of the ancient Babylon.

Section I: The Hanging Gardens of Semiramis

The gardens of Babylon or The Hanging gardens of Semiramis are the third wonder of seven wonders in the world. The Hanging gardens of Semiramis are represented by one triptych for each of the side of the world.

North is the closest to our point of view on reality. Next are West and South. On East is the architecture projection of the gardens. Those are plasma structures, shining with formidable colors. Shapes placed in space in way that goes through different dimensions and make you feel the glory of the hanging gardens.

The gardens are open door to different universes. The feeling is magnificent. If you look upon them you will feel strength, harmony, peace and even aroma of the miracle of the Creation.

(100/300, oil on canvas)

The Hanging Gardens of Semiramis - The South View

Positive energy quality of the painting: 100%

Measured by:

(100/300, oil on canvas)

The Hanging Gardens of Semiramis – The East View

Positive energy quality of the painting: 100%

Measured by:

(100/300, oil on canvas)

The Hanging Gardens of Semiramis – The North View

Positive energy quality of the painting: 98%

Measured by:

(100/300, oil on canvas)

The Hanging Gardens of Semiramis – The West View

Positive energy quality of the painting: 100%

Meassured by:

Section II: The Alchemist

The Alchemist has the image of a child because he exists out of time and therefore is ageless. In the alchemy hall a meeting with the Alchemist beyond time is possible: time is represented in different layers.

(100\100, oil on canvas)

The Alchemist's Laboratory

Positive energy quality of the painting: 100%

Measured by:

(100/100, oil on canvas)

The Alchemist

Positive energy quality of the paintings: 100%

Measured by:

(100/100, oil on canvas)

The Alchemical Cobweb

Positive energy quality of the paintings: 98%

Measured by:

(100/100, oil on canvas)

Ritual Chamber

Positive energy quality of the paintings: 99%

Measured by:

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